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Financial Aid for Graduate Students

你知道吗,大约70%的皇冠app官方版下载学生都有某种形式的助学金 aid assistance? 了解财政援助过程是迈向成功的重要一步 fulfilling your educational goals. Take the first step to receiving financial aid by filing your FAFSA. 了解更多皇冠app安卓下载安装你所有的选择和完成你的下一步 by reviewing the below information.

研究生院提供各种助教奖学金和其他形式的学费帮助. 研究生院有额外的和有用的信息 graduate funding and costs

Important Dates

  • 10月1日- FAFSA开始提供(12月为2024-25年FAFSA援助周期)
  • 11月1日-皇冠app官方版下载奖学金申请可以通过你的熊座账户申请
  • June 1 –  FAFSA and UNC Scholarship Application Deadline
    • File by the June 1 deadline to have full consideration
  • 6月15日——接受或拒绝大熊座提供的经济援助
    • 请记住,你只有20天的时间做出决定,否则所有的资助将被没收
  • September 2 – Fall tuition payments are due
  • File Your FAFSA

    你的联邦学生援助免费申请(FAFSA)将需要提交 the upcoming academic year to receive federal loans. Remember the FAFSA is a free application. 远离那些为完成申请而要求付费的网站.

    To complete the FAFSA:


    Have your Federal Student Aid ID (FSA ID) ready


    Use UNC’s School Code 001349


    IRS Data Retrieval Tool consent is now required for 2024-25.


    Apply at fafsa.gov

    在6月1日的优先截止日期之前提交FAFSA,以最大限度地提高你的援助金额 receive. 你应该在2024-25学年使用2022年的税务信息. If 如果你还没有提交2022年的税款,你应该联系财政办公室 Aid.

    You will receive a confirmation email from the U.S. Department of Education with your Student Aid Report (SAR). Make sure to verify that all of your information is correct. If you need to make corrections, you may do this online at www.fafsa.gov. 如果您没有收到FAFSA确认,请务必检查您的垃圾邮件文件夹 it within a week.

    学生可以提交任何不寻常或情有可原的情况的文件 reflected on the FAFSA. 联系财政援助办公室了解更多信息 this process. 

    Helpful Links for Applying 


    当你开始申请学年的经济援助的过程时 UNC Office of Financial Aid offers these tips.


    Details on completing the FAFSA.

    Federal Aid Resources

    Online resources from the Department of Education. 


  • UNC Scholarship Application

    UNC奖学金申请也可以在Ursa的财务标签下找到. 使用这个快速简单的应用程序申请皇冠app官方版下载基金会奖学金.

    Find UNC Scholarships

  • Checking your Ursa and BearMail Accounts

    Ursa 你的学生账户是否有详细的信息,如经济援助,信用 requirements and GPAs. Be sure to check your BearMail account, this is where you may view your UNC emails. The Office of Financial Aid 会将您的获奖邮件和信息发送到您的BearMail帐户吗.

  • Accepting or Declining your Aid on Ursa

    如果你已经完成了所有必需的文件,在3月的第一周之后,你应该 be able to accept or decline your award letter.

    To accept your award letter please follow these steps:

    • Accepting, Reviewing or Declining Your Aid:
      1. Log in to Ursa at ursa.conch-garment.com.
      2. Select "Financial" tab and click "View/Accept Award Offer."
      a. 选择页面右上方的“Select Award Year”下拉菜单进行选择 year.
      3. 你的经济援助报价在“奖学金的出席费用”下面 Offer."
      4. 点击“采取行动”栏,从“选择”下拉菜单中选择到 accept, decline or modify.
      5. 如果您选择修改,您可以选择接受两个或其中一个条款, as well as change the amount to a lesser value.
      6. 一旦你接受、拒绝或修改了你的资助,通过以下方式确认你的选择 点击底部的“提交”或“确认”按钮.
      a. 点击底部的“我承认这些条款和条件”按钮 of the Terms and Conditions. This will turn the "Accept Award" button to blue, and you will be able to click to complete.
      7. Click the "Home" tab. Any outstanding requirements will be listed on this tab. 在发放援助之前,需要完成未完成的要求.

    • 如果你错误地接受或拒绝了你账户上的某些贷款,而你想 change your award letter, please email the office at ofa@conch-garment.com 上面写着你的名字、贝尔号码以及你想接受或拒绝的贷款和金额. Your request will be processed within 3-5 business days.
      NOTE如果你以前从未在UNC借过联邦直接斯塔福德贷款,你会的 need to complete some additional steps at StudentLoans.gov such as; the Federal Direct 斯塔福德贷款入学咨询和主本票(MPN).
  • Viewing your Bill

    你的学生账单可以在Ursa的“财务”选项卡下查看.  Located on the top left, the account balances for your terms at UNC can be seen; at the bottom will be your account balance. Click on each term to see a detailed list of term credits and payments.

    Learn more about reading your bill.

  • Summer Aid

    所有报名参加暑期班的学生将于4月20日开始处理 have a current year FAFSA on file. The deadline for summer aid is July 20. Summer 援助将通过Ursa在查看/接受奖励报价标签下接受.

  • Determining Your Costs

    为了确定经济援助的目的,我们的办公室遵循科罗拉多州的部门 美国高等教育协会(CDHE)和联邦指导方针 estimated, average 不同学生类别(通勤/非通勤)的出勤费用(预算) undergraduate/graduate, resident/nonresident, etc.).

    预算包括学费和强制性费用的估计数字 estimated averages 住宿费、书费、交通费、个人费(杂项) expenses.

    View Estimated Costs Information

  • Maintaining Your Aid 

    warning 注:2024年春季上诉的截止日期为2024年4月12日.

    联邦法规要求北科罗拉多大学制定一项政策 监督申请及接受资助学生的学业进度. 学生必须取得令人满意的学业进步(SAP) 目的为了保持他们获得经济援助的资格.

    Standards of Satisfactory Academic Progress

    SAP的标准和相关政策可能会在下一学期发生变化 year. 所有学生都需要仔细阅读这些材料,并提出任何问题 to the Office of Financial Aid at 970-351-4862.

    SAP Policy

    Please note: 休学申诉政策的预期不同于经济援助不合格 Appeal Policy and have a separate application process. View instructions for academic appeal.

    Ineligible for Aid

    如果你收到通知,你是没有资格获得援助,你不能收到 financial aid through UNC. Being Ineligible for Aid does not prohibit your enrollment at UNC, but you will be responsible for all charges incurred. Ineligibility remains 除非被财政援助上诉委员会推翻. If you are academically 被停学,然后重新被大学录取,你仍然必须对你的经济状况提出上诉 aid Ineligibility. 如果收到了经济援助,而你没有资格申请 it, repayment of that aid is required immediately. The entire financial aid Refund/Repayment 政策可以根据财务援助办公室的要求获得.