

美国教育部(ED)规定,学生必须注册 a degree-seeking program to receive federal financial 援助. 资金只会被支付 for the courses needed to fulfill the program of 研究 需求. 联邦财政援助(佩尔助学金,联邦政府资助小组助学金,伊拉克和阿富汗服务奖,  如果学生没有申请直接补贴/非补贴和PLUS贷款,则会调整贷款 注册足够的学分,适用于他们正式宣布的计划 研究. Students should plan carefully and ensure that their registration aligns with their 学位课程 需求.

2024年秋季生效在美国,注册不需要完成正式学业的课程的学生 根据要求,申请学位的学生的经济资助可能会减少和/或取消 by 美国S Department of Education.

For federal 援助 to pay for a course in your major, it must be part of your Course Program of Study (CPOS) or be necessary to help you earn the total hours required 完成你的学位. For those depending upon federal 援助 to attend UNC, not paying 注意这条规则可能会影响你的全日制注册状态,最终 你的助学金. 


参加不属于你正式宣布的课程学习计划的课程 major may result in a reduction to your overall financial 援助 award.  确保你所选的课程是你的学习计划所需要的 ensure that you graduate as soon as possible with limited borrowing. 

珍惜时间! -利用你的学术顾问 

作为一名学生,学术顾问可以帮助你讨论你的问题 短期和长期的教育目标,皇冠app官方版下载最适合你的学位,以及 计划好每学期的课程,以帮助你高效地完成你所宣布的学位 尽可能有效地. 


你必须正式宣布你的专业,并在你的学生记录中注明. 如果你一直计划申报或换专业,但还没有这样做, you should consult your academic advisor immediately. 

课程只能根据官方宣布的专业来确定是否符合条件 你的学生记录上有记录. Changes cannot be made retroactively, and most changes 一旦确定某门课程不属于经济资助类别,会否获批准 符合条件的. 

Assumptions 皇冠app安卓下载安装 金融援助 奖 

经济援助奖是建立在本科生愿意学习的假设基础上的 注册全日制学生,研究生将注册半天符合条件的课程 在秋季和春季学期. Any enrollment 水平 different than those assumed above can create a recalculation of financial 援助 award. However, in many cases, a student 注册时间少于上面列出的假设时间,仍然可以获得资金吗 援助.


Remember that repeating the same course multiple times, dropping or not attending your courses can negatively impact your eligibility for current and/or future 援助. 这是很重要的,你讨论你的课程学习计划与你的导师 你每学期都注册. If your 学位课程 is not listed correctly in UNC system (Banner), work with your advisor to make them aware of your request.   

联系你的学术顾问,讨论你的选择,如果你的联邦财政援助 由于注册的课程不适用未完成的要求而减少 在你的课程学习计划中. 

Importance of Timely Submission of Course Adjustments

只有根据官方宣布的课程才能确定课程是否符合资格 of 研究 as noted on the student record. It is essential for students choosing to 使用其他课程代替UNC的UG和/或规定的课程 GR目录让他们的指导老师提交课程调整(替换,强制) 完成/豁免, 等)的学习计划(主修/副修/证书/执照) 需求. 


经济援助最初是基于本科生的假设 是否会招收全日制学生,而研究生会选择半日制的课程 during fall and spring semesters. Students may only receive federal 援助 for outstanding coursework that counts towards their officially declared program of 研究. 制度、 state and private 援助 需求 may vary when it comes to CPOS 需求. 请 check with the 财政援助办公室 to ensure you are meeting all 需求 为资金. Dropping, multiple repeating of the same course or not attending your courses can negatively impact your eligibility for current and/or future 援助. 







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如果你的联邦财政资助因为参加课程而减少 不适用于你的学习计划的突出要求,你应该 contact your academic advisor to discuss your academic options. 否则,如果你 have questions regarding financial 援助, contact financial 援助 at ofa@conch-garment.com.


  • 如果你有资格获得联邦佩尔助学金,并在12小时内注册,只有9小时 这12个小时是你正式宣布的学习计划的要求,联邦 Pell Grant will be reduced to an award based on the 9 hours. 
  • 联邦直接贷款要求所有本科生注册6小时 and 5 hours of enrollment for graduate students. If you are enrolled in 6 hours and 只有3个 这6个小时是你的学习项目所需要的,你没有资格获得 联邦直接贷款. 


  •  Is the Colorado Opportunity Fund (COF) stipend impacted?


  • What if I want to take a course that is not required for my degree? 

    你仍然可以这样做. You have the opportunity to maintain your full financial 援助 by enrolling in at least 12 required credits as an undergraduate or five required 毕业学分. By meeting the required credits, you can confidently pursue your academic goals and interests without impacting your 援助.  探索户外课程 如果你需要的话,你的项目要求可能会减少你的经济援助支持 本科学期课程不超过12学分,研究生不超过5学分 水平. 

  •  作为一名本科生,如果我在我的学位之外选修一门额外的课程怎么办 program to be at least full-time for 援助 purposes?

    在你的学位课程之外参加额外的课程来保持全职状态 援助目的是一种选择. 但是,请记住 联邦财政援助,包括佩尔奖、联邦基金、伊拉克/阿富汗奖和联邦直接援助 本科学生贷款将只认可所需的课程 学位课程. For all other 援助 programs, it's essential to meet program enrollment criteria. If 如果你不确定这些要求,请联系财务办公室 援助. Also please remember there is a maximum number of credits/time frame for which a student can receive most financial 援助.  Taking non-required coursework can potentially impact your ability 完成你的学位 with financial 援助.  

  •  作为一名研究生,如果我在学位课程之外选修一门额外的课程怎么办 to be at least half-time for 援助 purposes? 

    Taking extra courses outside your 学位课程 to maintain half-time status for certain 援助目的是一种选择. 但是,请记住 研究生的联邦财政援助直接贷款将只认可课程 required for your 学位课程. For all other 援助 programs, it's essential to meet program enrollment criteria. If 如果你不确定这些要求,请联系财务办公室 援助. Also please remember there is a maximum number of credits/time frame for which a student can receive most financial 援助.  Taking non-required coursework can potentially impact your ability 完成你的学位 with financial 援助.  

  • 如果我犯了一个错误,注册了一个不符合要求的课程怎么办?

    注册后,财政援助办公室将开始审查皇冠app官方版下载和将 如果您注册的课程不能用于确定您的申请,请通知您 援助的资格. You will have time to drop that course before the term begins and 在原来的地方再加一个. However, it is ultimately your responsibility to ensure 你已经注册了学位和学分所要求的课程 hours for federal 援助 program funds you are receiving.

    Students can also look in DegreeCheck under the “Not Counted” heading to find out if a particular course(s) will not be financial 援助 符合条件的.

  • What happens if I change my program for a future term?

    Financial 援助 is not retroactively adjusted for prior terms. 学生可更改学位 programs as needed for future terms. The CPOS process only looks at the program declared 对于每一项.

  • How do Certificates work with CPOS?

    Stand alone certificate programs are not currently 符合条件的 for 援助. 如果课程 要获得学位也需要参加必修课程,这些必修课程可以算在内 援助 under the student's 学位课程.  Also, if these courses can count as a needed  and required electives, they can also count for 援助 purposes. 另外,如果这些 课程是前12个必修学分,他们不会妨碍学生获得 完整的援助.

  • 邮差会受到怎样的影响?

    只要修过的课程在课程范围内,毕业后攻读学位的学生就不会受到影响 他们宣布的学习计划.


  • Can a student still double major?

    可以,但是两个专业都必须申报,而且所有修过的课程都必须用于他们的专业 完成程度.

  • 我可以重修CPOS课程吗?

    If the course remains required for your program, it can be allowable. 请注意, 美国.S. Department of Education mandates a class being repeated may be included when 确定学生的入学状况,以获得经济援助,如果它不是结果 1)对已通过的课程进行一次以上的重复,或2)任何形式的重复 of a previously failed course if subsequently .