

Backward Design is a student-centered, pedagogical technique in which the instructor begins with desired end 目标 by focusing on what the learner will learn, rather than 老师会教什么.

Backward design is beneficial to instructors because it encourages intentionality 以及课程设计过程中的一致性. 它为教学提供指导, 设计课程、单元和课程. 逆向设计是一种指导原则 基于研究的过程. It is often helpful to think of backward design with parallels 研究过程. 首先,问一个问题. 然后,以的形式收集数据 评估. Last, analyze your assessment data by asking yourself if your students 学到了他们应该学的东西. 请记住,这不是一个严格的流程图 或者决策树. 它可以是一个流动的过程.

Backward Design can be achieved through the following three stages: 

Stage 3: Plan 学习 Experiences and Instruction 

This toolkit provides an overview of each stage of Backward Design with corresponding activities to help instructors design or redesign a 课程.


By the end of Stage 1, you will be able to identify at least one “Big Idea” and create at least one related “Essential Question” for your 课程 and/or unit of study.  确定 your big ideas by considering the following questions:

  1. What are the big ideas students should retain after taking your 课程?
  2. What is the purpose of this 课程 in the grand scheme of education?
  3. 什么是值得理解的? 多么渴望持久的谅解啊?
  4. What would you like students to be able to do by the end of 这门课 (or unit)?

After you've determined the big ideas that you would like students to retain, create essential questions to guide your learning outcomes. 关键问题不是学习 outcomes; they focus on the big questions you want students to consider throughout 这门课. They guide the unit/lesson and 课程 learning outcomes.


  • 关注学生的学习方向
  • 框架课程/单元
  • 锚定学生的作业
  • 为学习提供环境
  • Require thorough evaluation – engaging, provocative, multilayered
  • 进入这门学科的核心
  • 在野外自然循环
  • 提出其他重要的问题
  • 没有明显的正确答案
  • Are deliberately framed to provoke and sustain student interest


  • 是否有足够的钱来分配?
  • 艺术是反映文化还是塑造文化?
  • 什么时候法律是不公正的?
  • How do authors use different story elements to establish mood?

The 第一阶段工作表 provides guiding questions for you to determine your big ideas 基本问题. 在进入第二阶段之前完成工作表.



Now that you have established your big ideas 基本问题, the product at the end of Stage 2 will be your performance tasks and other 评估 of knowledge. Keep the following questions in mind as you work through Stage 2:

  • How will students demonstrate knowledge (performance tasks or quizzes, tests, or homework)?
  • How will you know if students have achieved the desired results?
  • What will you accept as evidence of student understanding and proficiency?
  • 你的学生能:
    • 教它?
    • 使用它?
    • 证明这一点?
    • 解释它?
    • 捍卫它?
    • 领会言外之意?


  • Step 1: Review or create new 课程 learning objectives that will guide what you determine 作为可接受的学习证据. 举例说明和创造学习的过程 结果请访问 课程评估工具包.
  • Step 2: 确定 which 评估 you will use to collect evidence of student learning. 问 yourself, what will your students be able to do and know by the end of your unit or 课程? Then determine what students will do in your 课程 to demonstrate that knowledge 或技能. 

The 第二阶段工作表 provides guiding questions for developing learning outcomes 以及确定评估的模板. 示例和创建过程 learning outcomes and 评估 visit the 课程评估工具包.


Stage 3: Plan 学习 Experiences and Instruction

In Stage 3, you will determine specific learning activities that will help achieve learning including 课程 content, formative 评估, and how you will deliver 的内容. You will map your activities and instructional methods to your 评估 学习成果.

Use these guiding questions to help you plan your instruction:

  • What knowledge (facts, concepts, principles) and skills (processes, procedures, strategies) will students need in order to perform effectively and achieve desired results?
  • What activities will equip students with the knowledge and skills?
  • How should content best be taught in light of performance 目标?
  • What materials and resources are best suited to accomplish these 目标?
  • 怎样才能使学习更有吸引力、更有效?
  • What is the best use of time spent in and out of the classroom, given the performance 目标?

When designing your 课程 activities consider the characteristics of effective and 迷人的指令. 指导在以下情况下最有效:

  • 这是亲身实践
  • 它涉及问题的奥秘
  • 它提供了多样性
  • It offers opportunity to adapt, modify, or personalize the challenge
  • 它建立在现实世界或有意义的问题之上
  • It involves real audiences or other forms of authentic accountability for results


  • 它专注于明确而有价值的目标
  • 学生理解作业的目的
  • 给出了模型和示例
  • Criteria is given to allow students to monitor their progress
  • 有很多自我评估的机会
  • 学习 objectives, 评估, and learning experiences are aligned

The Stage 3 Worksheet provides guiding questions to think about your instruction and 课程 activities and a template to map these to your 评估 and outcomes.


When planning your 课程 learning experiences it is important to know if you are creating a brand new 课程 or redesigning a 课程. 将学习活动映射到 performance tasks and other evidence of learning will be different for new 课程s 课程重新设计. Refer to these worksheets for specific guidelines on new 课程 设计和再设计.
