

  • 什么是敏感信息?

    Though there are specific things the University considers sensitive (PDID, PII, etc.), always consider if this was your information, would you want it public or protected? Here are the items the University considers to be data that should be protected:

    • 社会安全号码
    • 熊的数量
    • 比赛
    • 种族
    • 国籍
    • 性别
    • 健康保险流通与责任法案数据
    • 信用卡资料
    • 成绩
  • Are there instances where this data does not 需要被保护?

    是的. Sensitive information must be protected if it 可以 be used to identify an 个人. For example, a report that shows the ratios of various ethnicities of the students who attend UNC would not 需要被保护 since that data 可以’t be tied to any 一个学生. However, if there was a name listed with ethnicity tied to it that would 需要被保护. Items like 社会安全号码 are always protected.

  • 我们被允许发布什么数据?

    除非学生填写了 Request for Non-Disclosure of Directory Information with the Registrar’s Office stating that they do not want their information published, we are allowed to publish the following information about students:

    • 名字
    • Address & 电话
    • 电子邮件地址
    • 注册状态
    • 出生日期
    • 度的追求
    • 出席日期
    • 主要
    • 分类
    • Degree Conferred and Dates Conferred Participation in Recognized Sports
    • 荣誉、奖项、出版物
    • 运动员的身体因素
  • What do I do with printed documents containing sensitive information?

    Lock them in a file cabinet, desk drawer, or office when you still need them. 当 不再需要它们了,它们应该被切碎. 这最好通过使用 office-sized shredder and then putting the shredded materials in the recycle bins. If you do not have an office sized shredder, one may be purchased for your area at 熊的逻辑, the campus technology store inside the University Center. 也有高大、灰色的 bins with a slot in the lid throughout campus that you 可以 drop your papers into for 专业的分解. If the bin is overflowing, please contact Facilities Management at (970) 351-2446 or the 技术支持中心351-HELP.

  • What if the information is stored electronically and I want to protect it?

    Encryption is the best method for storing sensitive information. 这是可以做到的 through Windows Rights Management (WRM) for Microsoft Office files. 笔记本电脑可以 encrypted with full disk protection using Microsoft Bitlocker or Apple FileVault. For documents that 可以not be protected with Windows Rights Management (i.e. Adobe PDF files), using password protection is the preferred method.


    Click on the Office icon in the upper left hand corner of the screen.
    Type in a password (and type a second time to confirm).
    To use full disk encryption with Microsoft Bitlocker or Apple FileVault, contact the 技术支持中心351-HELP.


    Right click the file and click on SEND TO, COMPRESSED (ZIPPED) FOLDER. 这将创建 a folder named the same 作为文件 was named and will place it in the same location 作为文件. (例如,如果您压缩了一个名为“UNC . zip”的文件.Pdf, "从你的桌面, you will now find a folder called, “UNC,” on your desktop as well).
    Type in the password you would like to use and click ok.
    Send the password in a separate email, or provide over the phone.

  • How would I email sensitive information to others at the University?

    You 可以 email sensitive information using Windows Rights Management (WRM) to protect the file contained within an email, or to protect the email itself.

    Follow these simple steps to encrypt a Microsoft Office file:

    Click on the Office icon in the upper left hand corner of the screen.
    For setting restrictions on Microsoft Outlook emails:

    Click on the Office icon in the upper left hand corner of the screen.
    Click on Manage Credentials and set your preferences there.
    NOTE: If you use Windows Rights Management (WRM) to protect an email that contains an attachment, and you have not encrypted that attachment, the attachment itself would 不是被保护,只是邮件被保护. 所以为了保护电子邮件的内容和 the attachment, you would need to use Windows Rights Management (WRM) protection on 这两个.

  • How would I dispose of electronically stored sensitive information?

    Sensitive information that is no longer needed that is contained on mobile phones, thumb drives, CDs, iPods, external disk drives, floppy disks, hard drives, etc. 可以 be brought to the Carter Hall Data Center on the lower level for proper certified 破坏.

  • 什么是PII?

    Any piece of information which 可以 potentially be used to uniquely identify, contact, or locate a person or 可以 be used with other sources to uniquely identify a single 个人.

  • 什么是FERPA?

    It stands for, “The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act .“在非法律术语中, this basically means that UNC must provide students with access to their education records, the chance to amend the records, and some control over the disclosure of 来自记录的信息. They 可以 request that their directory information not 例如,被出版. 这 would also prevent parents from being able to access 分数等信息. For more information regarding FERPA, please visit the FERPA 网站.

  • 为什么我需要知道PII和FERPA是什么?

    UNC is required by law to comply with FERPA- In non-legal terms, this means that UNC must provide students with access to their education records, the chance to amend the records, and some control over the disclosure of 来自记录的信息. They 可以 request that their directory information not 例如,被出版. 这 would also prevent parents from being able to access 分数等信息.