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Doctoral Field Experience

The purpose of the Center for the Enhancement of 教学 and 学习 Doctoral Field Experience is to provide doctoral students with experience 工作ing in a center focused on faculty development related to teaching and learning.

The program must be taken as a 2 or 3 credit experience. As you advance through the program, you will gain experience 工作ing toward the mission and vision of the CETL through the learning objectives and activities listed below.   

"I feel sufficiently prepared to start a career in a CETL environment as a result of this experience."
      Audrey Tocco, Field Experience Student 2020-2022

学习 Objectives  

 The field experience has three designated learning objectives, which include:

  • Determine how a center focused on the enhancement of teaching and learning operates.
  • Evaluate how educational development programs of CETL improve teaching and learning. 
  • Judge how experiences within CETL align with participant's career trajectory.  

Participating students will determine 1-2 additional learning objectives related specifically to what they hope to gain from the experience.


 Field experience activities include, but are not limited to, the following:     

  • 活动策划
  • Program development and delivery
  • Program assessment
  • Data collection and Center assessment
  • Supporting CETL faculty facilitators with programs such as 工作shops and learning 社区
  • Creating and organizing materials
  • 市场营销
  • Attending 工作shops and providing feedback
  • Supporting the CETL 咨询委员会
  • 研究 projects and scholarship
  • 格兰特发展


The program must be taken as a 2 or 3 credit experience; 1-credit field experiences 是不可用的. Please review your program's field experience course requirements. One credit hour is defined as one hour of direct instruction plus two hours of out-of-class 工作. Depending on the nature of the 工作 being completed and students' schedules the weekly schedule will vary.

  • The 2-credit field experience will include a total of 6 hours per week. 一个典型的 weekly schedule includes at least 2 hours per week of 工作 in the CETL offices and 外出4小时.
  • The 3-credit field experience will include a total of 9 hours per week. 一个典型的 weekly schedule includes at least 3 hours per week of 工作 in the CETL offices and 6 hours per week off-site.

Evidence of Completion 

  • Students will be required to keep a running record of weekly meetings and progress to discuss with the Field Experience coordinator.  
  • Students will be required to submit a reflection at the end of their experience detailing their reactions, thoughts, and critiques of the field experience process.  
  • Students will complete a formal evaluation of the CETL field experience program, in an attempt to improve future programs using feedback from participating students.
  • Program field experience requirements must be met.

Request a Fall 2022 Field Experience