

在计划会议、会议、圆桌会议、研讨会等活动时.——是 accommodations necessary to ensure that attendees with disabilities and Deaf attendees 是否可以完全进入会场,查看活动的演示文稿和材料. 虽然 many modifications and accommodations have little-to-no cost, some accommodations do. 本提示表旨在为您提供信息和成本估算 so you can incorporate those considerations into funding proposals and budgets for 你的活动. 包括共同会议费用和具体费用的准确估计 disability accommodation line items in your budget is essential to meeting your obligations and creating a welcoming environment for attendees with disabilities and Deaf attendees.  

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  • 估算特定场地的费用 

    预算ing for an accessible 事件 will include line items that exist in the budgets of most 事件s, such as room rentals and audio-visual aids, but certain costs will 需要以不同的方式计算. 所有列出的项目和住宿 下面,请提前与您的场地核对价格. 

  • 视听教具

    Presenters and their presentations need to be easily seen and heard to ensure that 所有与会者对共享的信息都有相同的访问权限.

    Microphones ensure that everyone, especially people who are hard of hearing and may be using assistive listening devices, can hear the information presented at 你的活动. In addition, microphones ensure that American Sign Language (美国手语) interpreters can 将他们的全部注意力集中在口译上,而不是用力听. 数量 of microphones needed for 你的活动 depends on the size of the room and the format 事件的. 至少,你应该预算一个供演讲者使用的 one to be used by audience members if there will be discussion or questions and answers. While the costs of microphones vary considerably from venue to venue, the average 每个无线麦克风的价格从150美元到300美元不等. 此外,如果使用麦克风, you will incur additional expenses for a sound system (the costs of which can vary widely depending on the amount of equipment needed and the quality of equipment used) 可能还有技术支持.

    Tripod screens are commonly used at 事件s to show PowerPoint presentations, videos, 或者事件的广播. 可能需要多个屏幕,以确保所有与会者-特别是 those using wheelchairs who may have limited mobility and Deaf and hard of hearing 高度依赖视觉的与会者有清晰的视线. 这些屏幕可以 cost anywhere from $150 per day for a 5’ X 5’ screen (not including a projector) to 7 .每天1350美元.5 ' X 10 '屏幕(包括投影仪).

    Pipe and drape background—a typically solid colored fabric used to create a backdrop to a stage—should be considered if a significant portion of 你的活动 is occurring 在舞台上,后面是非常繁忙的墙壁.e.有图案或装饰的 鲜艳的颜色). 繁忙的墙壁会让聋人分心,并可能导致 眼睛疲劳. 悬垂的平均成本是每块面板165美元,但成本在很大程度上取决于 在场地上,将根据您需要的面板数量而有所不同.   

  • 服务性动物需要一个指定的救援区

    Service Animal Relief Area: Service animals assist people with a wide range of disabilities, 包括感觉和行动能力的限制. 因为你不能问参与者是否 they will be traveling with a service animal, you need to proactively ensure that there is a designated service animal relief area on the venue’s property for every 事件. 这可能是一个已经存在的草地(在这种情况下应该存在) no 负责) or the venue may have to create a space (in which case you may incur a 负责). 你需要与大学密切合作,以确定在哪里 空间将是. 此外,您还需要宣传服务的位置 在你的程序和材料中有动物救济区,并附有适当的标志. 



Some of the most common individual accommodations include 美国手语 interpreters, materials 电子格式,大字印刷材料和CART,. 创建标准集 of accommodations that you always build into 你的活动 budgets will give you greater 灵活性. 例如,您可能并不总是同时有对CART和解释器的请求 at the same 事件, but setting these dollars aside gives you the ability to absorb unforeseen costs or reallocate that money to other requests or expenses as needed.

  • 美国手语翻译

    合格的美国手语口译员提供美国手语和英语口语之间的翻译. 美国手语 has its own grammar and sentence structure and is the primary language used by Deaf 个人. 美国手语翻译的平均费用在每小时80美元到105美元之间, 许多服务至少需要2小时. 用于解释大于1和的作业 half hours a minimum of two interpreters are required in a team-interpreting format.

  • 认证聋人翻译(CDIs)

    认证聋人翻译(CDIs) are 个人 who are Deaf or hard of hearing who have been certified as interpreters by the Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf. CDIs may have specialized training in gesture, mime, props, drawings, and other tools. A CDI may be needed when an interpreter who is hearing does not meet a Deaf attendee’s 通信需求. CDI的平均费用在每小时75美元到95美元之间.

  • 通信接入实时翻译(CART)

    通信接入实时翻译(CART) is the instantaneous, word-for-word 将口头语言翻译成文本,并以各种形式显示. 英语 生成文本的延迟不到两秒钟. 多种多样的住所 of disabilities, the CART writer transcribes what is heard into text that can displayed on a computer screen for an individual or on a larger display for the entire audience. The cost for CART service varies but on average CART typically charges by the minute 每小时收费90到150美元.  

  • 辅助听力设备

    Assistive Listening Devices (ALDs) help 个人 separate the sounds they want to 能听清背景噪音,可供个人和团体使用. 一些系列赛 are designed to be used with hearing aids or cochlear implants, while others are designed 单独使用.

    个人季后赛第 have separate tone and volume controls and may be configured to work with more than 一个喇叭. 最常见的设备是有线的,比如Pocket Talker. 相似的 目的是无线——更灵活——个人调频系统. 事件 organizers can purchase or rent these items if the individual does not own one him/herself. 购买成本从200美元到800美元不等.

    组系列赛 当一群人中有几个听力受损的人时,是否更可取. 主 advantage is that multiple people can benefit from these systems, though they are 昂贵且不像单用户设备那样便携. 团体艾滋病的费用从 500至1800美元,视接收器、耳机等的数量而定.

  • 替代格式的材料

    Individuals who are blind or have low vision, people with cognitive disabilities, and others may need the material you are offering to be made available in alternate 格式.

    大的打印 is defined as print that is at least 16 points in size and is made available to accommodate 弱视人士. 巨幅打印可以在内部通过改变字体来完成 document being offered or it may be out-sourced, in which case the cost would vary. When creating documents in large print in-house, costs would include staff time and any special materials needed, for example, paper in larger than standard sizes. 

    If you receive a request for materials in large print, be sure to let the Disability Resource Center know so they can create menus and other materials in large print.


U.S. 律政司 > ADA主页 > www.艾达.政府 

ADA全国网络 > www.艾达ta.org 
Information, Guidance, and Training on the ADA available through 10 Regional Centers

辅助技术法案计划协会 >www.ataporg.org 